our goal is to make every house

a home

Providing quality furnishings to those transitioning from adversity to stability

And we’re just getting started!

The need is real

Furniture poverty is a widespread issue, affecting individuals and families who are transitioning from homelessness, experiencing financial hardships, or facing other life challenges. Obstacles get in the way of establishing a sense of home, promoting stability, and maintaining hope and dignity.


of the Winchester area lives below the poverty line. An additional 29% fit the ALICE description (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). Making choices between basic needs is a daily reality for this group, and when faced with the choice between making rent and buying a bed, rent wins.

2 out of 5

Children in the NSV classify as economically disadvantaged. For families in the Winchester and surrounding areas, worry about having resources to put a roof over their heads in a real concern


Estimated cost to fill an empty apartment. Establishing a home takes disposable income. This is the savings we would represent to the clients of our partners.

We Care

  • We know that an empty house is not a home.
  • We know that the the nonprofit community of the Northern Shenandoah Valley simply does not have the capacity and storage space to help those struggling with adversity fully set up every home.
  • We know that comfortable living environments do more than just give a place to relax. They offer dignity, security, and a place from which to make a fresh start.
  • We know that there is plenty to go around.

Our Amazing Partners

We are community driven! We operate by referral through organizations such as these:

Proud Member of the Furniture Bank Network

In our community, there is enough


We rely on the generosity of others. Do you have furnishings that others could use?

Can you support our work financially?


Valleyhaven Furniture Bank is a referral-only service, providing furnishings to the clients of nonprofits throughout the Northern Shenandoah Valley. Learn more about our partners or become a partner organization.


Give of your time. It takes a community to serve the community. Learn more about how you can help.


Our Mission:

Inspired by our faith, we aim to be the resource for the Northern Shenandoah Valley providing comfort, dignity, and stability through the collection, storage, and distribution of basic home furnishings for those overcoming adversity.

Learn more about our mission, our goals, and why we’re taking this on

The process is simple

Through people like you, we can do great things

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Step One

Partner nonprofits identify the need- a person or family who has experienced adversity

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Step Two

Our amazing volunteers select from donations everything needed for a comfortable and beautiful home.

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Step Three

Our volunteers and partners set up the home and a family is set on their journey towards a hopeful future

Share the Mission

Purchase Valleyhaven gear through Merchloop- every purchase includes a donation to the organization AND helps spread the word!

" A furniture bank would be a blessing for this community. Agencies and people are always coming to CCAP looking for furniture for apartments for clients that are coming out of homelessness or clients are needing to replace a piece of furniture but do not have the money to buy it. In addition, people are always wanting to donate furniture and household items to CCAP and we do not have the storage space. A furniture bank for our community will not only be good for people needing furniture; it will enable another avenue of cooperation between the agencies that serve the homeless and low-income population. "

Andrea Cosans – Executive Director of CCAP, Winchester

Stay Up To Date!

This is an exciting time for us- and we want to share it with you. As we work to get established, partner with others, "set up shop," and get going in serving the community, we'll be sending out regular email updates! You don't want to miss out!

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Whether you want to partner with us, support the project, or just want to hear more about us, drop us a line!